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GitHub Desktop

GitHub (distributed version control system) is a platform where users can host Git repositories. GitHub Desktop allows you to synchronize branches and clone repositories. It helps you facilitate easy sharing and collaboration on projects with anyone at any time. GitHub Desktop is a Graphical desktop application which enables adding files and other related git operations.

How to Install and Configure GitHub Desktop

  1. GitHub Desktop can be downloaded from the following link: Link to GitHub Desktop
  2. Click Download for Windows (64bit).
  3. Click Run and Save file.
  4. In the pop-up window, click Install.
  5. In your computer’s Downloads folder, double-click GitHub Desktop.

The following widow appears:

  1. In next step create GitHub Pages User Account.
  2. Once the GitHub Pages User Account is verified you may Authorise GitHub Pages. This window pop up automatically during GitHub Desktop account creation process.

For more details see section GitHub Pages.

How to create a Local Repository in GitHub

  1. Create a folder on your system (C:\Repos_GitHub). This will act as a local repository which will connect the GitHub Pages.
  2. In GitHub Desktop open tab File and create new repository

  3. Commit to Main and Push Origin

How to Clone Repository

  1. Go to your GitHub Pages Repository you want to clone.

  2. Click on Code on the main page of the repository.
  3. To clone the repository under “Clone with HTTPS” click on the follwing icon

  4. In GitHub Desktop Select File> Clone Repository

  5. Paste the URL you copied earlier.

  6. Press Clone to create your local clone.

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Create repositories